waiting on god andrew murray pdf

Waiting on God⁚ A Devotional by Andrew Murray

Waiting on God is a 31-day devotional by Andrew Murray that encourages believers to trust in God’s timing and work. It emphasizes the importance of quiet waiting, allowing God to reveal His will and bless us in His way. The devotional is available in PDF format online and is considered a classic guide to the practice of waiting on God.


In the realm of Christian literature, Andrew Murray’s “Waiting on God” stands as a beacon of timeless wisdom, guiding readers towards a deeper understanding of faith and the transformative power of waiting on the Lord. This devotional, originally published in 1896, has resonated with countless individuals across generations, offering solace, direction, and a profound sense of hope. Murray, a renowned South African minister and author, masterfully explores the multifaceted nature of waiting on God, unveiling its profound implications for spiritual growth, personal transformation, and the pursuit of God’s will.

The book’s central premise rests on the conviction that waiting on God is not merely a passive act but an active and intentional posture of the heart. Murray emphasizes that true waiting entails surrendering to God’s timing, relinquishing control, and embracing a profound trust in His sovereign plan. He challenges readers to break free from the limitations of their own understanding, recognizing that God’s ways are often beyond human comprehension.

Through insightful reflections, poignant anecdotes, and scriptural insights, Murray unveils the beauty and depth of waiting on God. He demonstrates that waiting is not a sign of weakness or defeat but a testament to our faith and our willingness to align our lives with God’s purposes.

The Essence of Waiting on God

At the heart of Andrew Murray’s “Waiting on God” lies a profound understanding of the essence of waiting. It transcends mere passivity and embraces a dynamic engagement with God’s presence, a conscious choice to surrender to His timing and trust in His sovereign plan. Murray eloquently articulates this essence, emphasizing that true waiting involves a deep-seated trust in God’s character and a willingness to relinquish control, allowing Him to work in our lives according to His perfect will.

Murray challenges readers to move beyond a superficial understanding of waiting, urging them to delve into its depths. He emphasizes that waiting is not a sign of weakness but rather a testament to our faith, a recognition that God’s ways are often beyond our comprehension, and a willingness to let go of our own agenda and embrace His.

Waiting on God, as Murray explains, is not about merely marking time but about cultivating a deep and abiding connection with the divine. It is about surrendering to the divine rhythm of God’s work, recognizing that He has a specific purpose for each of our lives and that His timing is always perfect.

The Need for More of God

Andrew Murray, in his devotional, “Waiting on God,” asserts that the primary need in the lives of Christians is not merely more knowledge, more experiences, or even more material blessings. Instead, it is a profound longing for a deeper, more intimate connection with God. This desire for more of God is not a fleeting whim but a fundamental yearning rooted in our very being. It is an insatiable thirst for the divine presence, a hunger for a closer walk with the Lord.

Murray argues that this need for more of God is not a personal indulgence but a necessity for spiritual growth and maturity. It is the key to unlocking the fullness of God’s grace and experiencing the transformative power of His love. He emphasizes that this yearning for more of God is not about achieving a certain level of spiritual attainment but about surrendering to the divine flow, allowing God to fill us with His presence and shape us into His image.

The pursuit of more of God, according to Murray, requires a conscious decision to prioritize our relationship with Him. It involves setting aside time for prayer and meditation, immersing ourselves in His Word, and actively seeking to live in obedience to His will. It is through this intentional pursuit that we can truly experience the fullness of God’s presence and discover the limitless possibilities that unfold when we make Him the center of our lives.

Waiting on God⁚ A 31-Day Devotional

Murray’s “Waiting on God” is structured as a 31-day devotional, offering daily meditations designed to guide readers on a journey of spiritual growth through the practice of waiting on God. Each day’s reflection explores a different facet of waiting on God, delving into various aspects such as waiting for His guidance, instruction, supplies, revelation, and redemption. This structured approach allows readers to engage with the principles of waiting on God in a gradual and comprehensive way.

Murray’s writing is characterized by its depth, clarity, and practicality. He doesn’t simply present abstract theological concepts but provides concrete insights and practical steps for applying the principles of waiting on God in everyday life. He encourages readers to engage with Scripture, reflect on their personal experiences, and cultivate a deeper understanding of God’s character and His purposes.

The devotional’s format makes it accessible to a wide audience, offering a readily digestible format for personal reflection and spiritual growth. Whether used as a daily guide or a resource for occasional reflection, “Waiting on God” offers a timeless message that resonates with those seeking a deeper connection with the Divine.

The Benefits of Waiting on God

Andrew Murray emphasizes the transformative power of waiting on God, highlighting the multitude of benefits that flow from this practice. He asserts that waiting on God cultivates a profound sense of peace and tranquility, allowing us to rest in His presence amidst the storms of life. This trust in God’s timing fosters a deeper understanding of His sovereignty and our dependence on Him, leading to a more mature and resilient faith.

Murray also emphasizes that waiting on God opens the door to a richer experience of His grace. By relinquishing our own desires and agendas, we create space for God to move in our lives in ways we never imagined. Waiting on God allows us to receive His wisdom, strength, and provision, enabling us to overcome obstacles and experience His transformative power.

Furthermore, waiting on God fosters a deeper relationship with Him. It’s not merely a passive activity but an intentional act of seeking His presence, allowing us to hear His voice, understand His will, and experience His love in a more intimate way. This intentional waiting deepens our faith, strengthens our resolve, and empowers us to live lives that reflect His glory.

Waiting for God’s Guidance

Andrew Murray, in his devotional, “Waiting on God,” underscores the importance of seeking God’s guidance in all aspects of life. He reminds us that God has a specific plan for each of us, and waiting on Him involves actively seeking His direction. It’s not about passively waiting for things to happen but about intentionally seeking God’s will through prayer, scripture study, and introspection.

Murray emphasizes that true guidance doesn’t necessarily come in the form of a clear, audible voice. Often, it comes through a subtle inner prompting, a sense of peace or conviction, or even through the circumstances that surround us. He challenges us to cultivate a heart that’s attuned to God’s voice, to be open to His direction, even when it may seem counterintuitive or challenging.

Waiting for God’s guidance is not about waiting for a sign to tell us what to do, but about waiting for His Spirit to work within us, shaping our desires and aligning our hearts with His will. It’s about trusting in His wisdom, even when we don’t understand His plan, and allowing Him to lead us on the path He has designed for our lives.

Waiting for God’s Instruction

In “Waiting on God,” Andrew Murray delves into the concept of waiting for God’s instruction, highlighting that true obedience comes from a deep understanding of His will. He emphasizes that it’s not enough to simply follow rules or external guidelines; we must actively seek to know God’s heart and understand His purpose for us.

Murray encourages us to cultivate a mindset of receptivity, to be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. This involves a willingness to listen, to discern His voice amidst the noise of the world, and to be willing to adjust our plans and actions based on His guidance. He reminds us that God’s instructions are not always clear or immediate, but that He will reveal His will to those who diligently seek Him.

Waiting for God’s instruction is not about waiting for a divine blueprint to follow. It’s about aligning our hearts with His will, seeking His wisdom in every decision, and allowing His Spirit to guide us in every step. It’s about trusting that He knows what’s best, even when we don’t understand His plan, and being willing to walk in obedience to His instructions, whatever they may be.

Waiting for God’s Supplies

In “Waiting on God,” Andrew Murray explores the concept of waiting for God’s supplies, urging readers to trust in God’s provision rather than relying on their own resources. He reminds us that God is a God of abundance and that He desires to meet our needs, not just in a basic way, but in a way that surpasses our expectations.

Waiting for God’s supplies involves a shift in our perspective. It requires relinquishing control over our resources and trusting that God will provide exactly what we need, when we need it. It’s about recognizing our dependence on Him and learning to live in a state of joyful anticipation, knowing that He will not abandon us.

Murray emphasizes that God’s provision isn’t always immediate or convenient. It may involve waiting, trusting, and even surrendering our own plans. But in the end, He assures us, His supply will be more than enough. He encourages us to embrace the process of waiting, to see it as an opportunity to grow in faith and to experience the faithfulness of God. Waiting for God’s supplies is not about scarcity; it’s about experiencing the overflowing abundance of His grace.

Waiting for God’s Revelation

In “Waiting on God,” Andrew Murray delves into the profound concept of waiting for God’s revelation, emphasizing that true understanding of God’s will and purpose comes through a process of attentive listening and seeking. He reminds us that God is not a distant, aloof being, but one who desires to communicate with us, revealing His heart and plans for our lives.

Waiting for God’s revelation involves cultivating a spirit of humility and receptivity. It requires setting aside our own preconceived notions and allowing God to speak to us in His own way and time. It’s about creating space for His voice to be heard above the noise of our own thoughts and anxieties.

Murray encourages readers to embrace silence and solitude, as these are essential for hearing God’s voice clearly. He urges us to engage in prayer and the study of Scripture, not just for knowledge but for a deeper understanding of God’s character and His love for us. He assures us that as we wait on Him, He will reveal Himself to us in ways we never imagined, illuminating our path and guiding us through the complexities of life.

Waiting for God’s Redemption

In “Waiting on God,” Andrew Murray explores the transformative power of waiting on God for redemption. He emphasizes that true redemption is not merely an escape from suffering or a restoration of past glory, but a profound spiritual transformation that aligns our hearts with God’s perfect will. It involves a surrender of our own desires and a willingness to embrace God’s grace, even in the midst of trials and difficulties.

Murray reminds us that God is a God of restoration, and that He desires to redeem us from the brokenness and sin that have marred our lives. He encourages us to wait patiently on God, trusting that He is working behind the scenes to bring about His perfect plan for our lives. This waiting may involve enduring pain and heartache, but it is ultimately a process of being molded and shaped into the image of Christ.

Waiting for God’s redemption requires faith, hope, and perseverance. It demands that we relinquish our own attempts to control our circumstances and place our trust entirely in God’s loving hands. Murray reminds us that the process of redemption is a journey of grace, where God’s power is made perfect in our weakness, and where we are transformed from glory to glory.

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