throne of the four winds heroic guide

This guide to the Throne of the Four Winds raid in World of Warcraft⁚ Cataclysm Classic includes a raid overview, quick facts, entrance location, quests, and links to more detailed guides including boss strategies, loot, and achievements.


Prepare to ascend to the Skywall and face the wrath of the wind elementals in the Throne of the Four Winds, a challenging raid encounter in World of Warcraft⁚ Cataclysm Classic. Located high above the sands of southern Uldum, this raid features two formidable bosses⁚ the Conclave of Wind and the elemental lord AlAkir. This guide will delve into the intricacies of the Throne of the Four Winds, providing you with the knowledge and strategies needed to conquer these powerful foes. You’ll need to overcome the formidable Conclave of Wind before confronting the mighty AlAkir, the Windlord himself. This guide will provide you with the information you need to defeat these bosses. You’ll learn about mechanics, strategies, and tips to help you succeed on Heroic difficulty. Prepare for a thrilling aerial battle as you navigate the Elemental Plane of Air and unlock the secrets of the Throne of the Four Winds.

Raid Overview

The Throne of the Four Winds is a Tier 11 raid dungeon, located within the Skywall, a floating area accessible by flying in Southern Uldum. It is one of the first raiding tiers introduced in the Cataclysm expansion, along with Blackwing Descent and Bastion of Twilight. The raid features two boss encounters, both available on Normal and Heroic difficulties⁚ the Conclave of Wind and AlAkir. The Throne of the Four Winds is notable for its unique setting in the Elemental Plane of Air, offering a high-flying encounter unlike any other. To reach the raid, players must fly to the southwest coast of Uldum, at coordinates /way 38.5, 80.5. Alliance players should fly south from Ramkahen, while Horde players should start at the southern tip of Uldum. Prepare for an exhilarating aerial adventure as you battle ancient wind elementals and claim epic loot. This raid is a challenging test of skill and teamwork, and the rewards are well worth the effort. Get ready to harness the power of the winds and conquer the Throne of the Four Winds!

Conclave of Wind

The Conclave of Wind is the first boss encounter in the Throne of the Four Winds. It is a council-style fight where players must simultaneously defeat three wind elementals⁚ Wind Lord Mel’jarak, Wind Lord Therazane, and Wind Lord Galeon. The key to defeating the Conclave is to coordinate and communicate effectively, ensuring that all three bosses are targeted and dealt damage simultaneously. Failing to do so will allow the bosses to regenerate health, making the encounter much more difficult. Positioning and precise movement are also crucial, as the bosses utilize a variety of abilities that can inflict damage and disrupt the raid. Prepare for an intense and challenging fight against the Conclave of Wind. Master their mechanics, coordinate with your raid team, and emerge victorious with the spoils of war. The Conclave of Wind awaits, ready to test your skills and determination.


AlAkir, the Windlord, is the final boss of the Throne of the Four Winds raid. He is a formidable elemental lord, wielding the power of the winds and storms. AlAkir’s encounter is a multi-phase battle that demands a high level of coordination, strategy, and player skill. He utilizes powerful abilities such as Wind Bursts, Ice Storms, and a dynamic final phase where players gain the ability to fly. The fight requires careful positioning, movement, and communication to avoid deadly attacks and maximize damage output. Be prepared for a challenging encounter that will test your raid’s resilience and teamwork. Success against AlAkir requires mastering his mechanics, adapting to his changing phases, and utilizing your strengths to overcome the ultimate challenge. Triumph over AlAkir and claim the legendary loot that awaits.

Conclave of Wind⁚ Mechanics

The Conclave of Wind encounter features a variety of mechanics that players must master to succeed. The three bosses, each representing a different aspect of wind, employ distinct abilities that require coordination and precise execution. Calm Winds, a powerful healing effect that silences and pacifies enemies within its zone, requires careful positioning to avoid being affected by the silencing effect. Whirlwind, a devastating attack that sweeps across the battlefield, demands players to move strategically to avoid taking damage. Wind Burst, an explosive attack that targets a single player and sends shockwaves outwards, requires players to spread out to minimize collateral damage. Lightning Cloud, a powerful area-of-effect attack that electrocutes players in its path, demands players to move quickly to avoid being struck by lightning. Mastering these mechanics is crucial for the raid’s success, as they require players to adapt to changing situations and work together to overcome the challenges presented by the Conclave of Wind.

Calm Winds

Calm Winds is a powerful ability employed by the Conclave of Wind, summoning a zone of calm winds on a random friendly target. This zone acts as a beacon of peace, healing all allies within its embrace for a substantial amount of points per second. While its healing properties are a boon to the raid, Calm Winds also brings a unique challenge. All enemies unfortunate enough to be caught within the zone will be silenced and pacified, effectively rendering them harmless. This presents a strategic opportunity, as it allows players to focus their attacks on the remaining enemies without fear of interruption. However, it is crucial to be aware of the Calm Winds’ location, as those caught within its zone will be unable to perform any actions, including casting spells or moving. Proper positioning and awareness of the Calm Winds’ presence are essential for maximizing its benefits and mitigating its potential downsides.


Whirlwind, a devastating ability unleashed by the Conclave of Wind, creates a vortex of raw power that sweeps across the battlefield. This swirling tempest inflicts significant damage to all players caught within its path. The danger of Whirlwind lies in its unpredictable nature, as the direction and path of the whirlwind are determined by the Conclave of Wind. To survive this onslaught, players must remain vigilant and be prepared to react swiftly. One crucial strategy is to stay close to the edge of the battlefield, allowing for a quick retreat from the approaching whirlwind. Communication within the raid is also paramount, as players must alert each other to the whirlwind’s location and direction. Those who are caught within the whirlwind should prioritize moving away from its center, as the damage inflicted increases with proximity. Effectively navigating the whirlwind’s path requires a combination of quick reflexes, accurate anticipation, and coordinated communication within the raid.

Wind Burst

Wind Burst, a potent ability unleashed by the Conclave of Wind, unleashes a powerful gust of air, sending players flying through the air. This unpredictable force disrupts positioning and can be particularly dangerous for tanks, who may be knocked away from their targets. To mitigate the impact of Wind Burst, players must be aware of their surroundings and be prepared to react quickly. The key to surviving this ability is to anticipate its arrival and be ready to mitigate its effects. Healers should be prepared to provide swift healing to players who are knocked off balance, while tanks should focus on regaining their position after being displaced. In addition to the disorienting effect, Wind Burst can also inflict damage, making it crucial for players to prioritize their safety. Effective communication within the raid is essential, as players must warn each other of impending Wind Bursts and coordinate their responses. By staying aware of their surroundings, reacting swiftly, and communicating effectively, players can overcome the challenges posed by this powerful ability.

Lightning Cloud

Lightning Cloud is a dangerous ability unleashed by the Conclave of Wind, creating a volatile area of electrical energy that can inflict significant damage to players caught within its radius. This swirling cloud of electricity poses a significant threat to players, requiring them to be aware of its location and avoid contact. Players caught within the Lightning Cloud will suffer a continuous barrage of electrical damage, making it crucial to avoid this hazardous area. The key to surviving Lightning Cloud is to maintain a safe distance and react swiftly to avoid contact. Tanks, who are often positioned near the Conclave of Wind, must be particularly vigilant about avoiding the Lightning Cloud. Healers should be prepared to provide rapid healing to any players who are struck by the cloud, and DPS classes should prioritize their own safety by moving away from the affected area. Effective communication within the raid is vital, as players must warn each other of the cloud’s location and coordinate their movements to avoid contact. By staying aware of the Lightning Cloud’s presence, reacting quickly, and communicating effectively, players can overcome this perilous threat and ensure their survival during the encounter.

AlAkir⁚ Mechanics

AlAkir, the elemental lord of wind, presents a formidable challenge in the Throne of the Four Winds. His encounter is characterized by a series of distinct phases, each demanding specific strategies and coordination from the raid. The first phase is marked by the unleashing of devastating Wind Bursts, powerful gusts of wind that can knock players off their feet and send them flying through the air. Players must be aware of their position and react quickly to avoid being caught in the path of these destructive blasts. As the fight progresses, AlAkir unleashes a series of Ice Storms, freezing the battlefield and forcing players to navigate treacherous ice formations. These storms can inflict significant damage and hinder movement, so players must be careful to avoid the icy patches. Finally, the fight culminates in a dynamic final phase where players gain the ability to fly, allowing them to engage AlAkir from the air. This phase requires precise positioning and aerial maneuvering, as players must avoid AlAkir’s powerful attacks while coordinating their movements to maximize damage output. Mastering these intricate mechanics is essential for success against AlAkir, a fight that demands teamwork, awareness, and adaptability.

Wind Bursts

Wind Bursts are a formidable mechanic encountered during the AlAkir fight in the Throne of the Four Winds; These powerful gusts of wind erupt from AlAkir, creating a devastating whirlwind that can knock players off their feet and send them flying through the air. The key to surviving Wind Bursts lies in anticipating their arrival and positioning oneself accordingly. As AlAkir begins to channel this ability, players must quickly move away from the designated area, ensuring they are not caught in the path of the destructive blast. Failure to do so can result in significant damage, disorientation, and even death. Tanks must be particularly vigilant during Wind Bursts, as they are often targeted by these powerful gusts. Maintaining a safe distance from AlAkir and positioning themselves in a way that minimizes the impact of the wind bursts is crucial for their survival and the overall success of the raid. By understanding the timing and movement patterns of Wind Bursts, players can effectively avoid their devastating effects and contribute to a successful fight against AlAkir.

Ice Storms

Ice Storms are a chilling mechanic that players must navigate during the AlAkir encounter in the Throne of the Four Winds. These powerful storms erupt from AlAkir, unleashing a torrent of icy blasts that can freeze players solid, rendering them immobile and vulnerable to further attacks. The key to surviving Ice Storms lies in anticipating their arrival and positioning oneself strategically. As AlAkir prepares to unleash this ability, players must swiftly move away from the designated area, ensuring they are not caught in the path of the freezing blast. Failure to do so can result in being frozen, leaving players exposed to potential harm. Healers must be particularly attentive during Ice Storms, as their ability to quickly thaw frozen allies is crucial for maintaining the raid’s health and survival. Positioning oneself near the edge of the Ice Storm’s range allows for a quicker escape upon its arrival, minimizing the risk of being caught in the freezing blast. By understanding the timing and movement patterns of Ice Storms, players can effectively avoid their chilling effects and contribute to a successful fight against AlAkir.

Final Phase

The final phase of the AlAkir encounter in the Throne of the Four Winds is a thrilling and challenging test of player skill and coordination. As AlAkir’s health dwindles, the battle takes on a new dimension as players gain the ability to fly, soaring through the air in a breathtaking aerial battle. This dynamic shift in the fight requires players to adapt their strategies and movements, utilizing their newfound mobility to navigate the ever-changing battlefield. AlAkir’s attacks become more erratic and unpredictable during this phase, demanding a high degree of awareness and responsiveness from the raid. The ability to fly grants players a strategic advantage, allowing them to position themselves strategically and avoid AlAkir’s powerful attacks. However, this newfound mobility also brings new challenges, as players must master the art of aerial combat and maneuver effectively through the air. The final phase of the AlAkir encounter is a test of both individual skill and collective coordination, requiring players to work together seamlessly to overcome the final hurdle and claim victory.


The Throne of the Four Winds raid boasts a treasure trove of coveted loot, offering players a chance to acquire powerful gear and unique rewards. From weapons and armor to trinkets and accessories, the raid offers a diverse selection of items that can enhance a player’s abilities and bolster their character’s strength. Among the most sought-after rewards is the South Wind mount, a majestic and elegant flying mount that can be obtained from AlAkir on both Normal and Heroic modes. This majestic creature grants its rider the ability to soar through the skies, offering a sense of freedom and grandeur. Beyond the South Wind mount, the raid also drops a wide array of weapons and armor, including the iconic Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, a legendary two-handed axe renowned for its power and prestige. The raid also offers a selection of trinkets and accessories, providing players with unique bonuses and advantages that can be tailored to their specific playstyle and class. The Throne of the Four Winds raid is a haven for loot-seekers, offering a diverse and rewarding loot table that can significantly enhance a player’s character and their journey through the world of Azeroth.

Tips and Strategies

Conquering the Throne of the Four Winds on Heroic difficulty requires meticulous planning, precise execution, and unwavering teamwork. A solid understanding of each boss encounter’s mechanics is paramount, ensuring that players can effectively mitigate incoming damage and maximize their DPS output. Effective communication is essential for coordinating movement, assigning roles, and reacting to unexpected events. Prioritize efficient tanking and healing, ensuring that the raid’s tanks can withstand the relentless onslaught of the wind elementals while healers keep the raid’s health topped up. DPS players should focus on maximizing their damage output while maintaining awareness of their surroundings and avoiding dangerous zones. Utilize crowd control effectively to manage enemy groups, minimizing their threat and allowing for greater control of the battlefield. Consider employing WeakAuras to provide visual cues for important mechanics and abilities, enhancing situational awareness and responsiveness. Above all, remember that patience and perseverance are key to success in this challenging raid, and a cohesive team with a shared understanding of the encounter can overcome even the most formidable foes.

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